Put an end to dirty energy


Our members want more renewable energy, whether it comes from solar farms, wind farms, or hydroelectric dams.

GroupEnergy works with the largest developers of renewable energy to offset up to 100% of your electricity consumption with new renewable energy.

Call us if you have questions. We can also help walk you through your enrollment. 

Choose your billing

Only $5 per month. 

 100% Certified Renewables

GroupEnergy energy members support new renewable energy projects that have received the coveted “GreenE” certification from the Center for Resource Solutions, the global leader in clean energy certifications. With GroupEnergy you can be assured that your membership is making a material difference in offsetting and reducing our nation’s carbon emissions.

Enrollment is easy.


Connect your utility bill to connected to Group Energy's CleanPlanet™ Platform.


We offset 100% of your dirty, carbon-based electricity with certified renewable energy credits from new generation sources such as community solar, wind and hydro.


Group Energy sends you a monthly energy bill that you can understand, to simplify your life and ensure that you're 100% carbon neutral.